**From September we will be open 9.30-3.30 every day!**
We still have some spaces available for 2 and 3 year olds. Get in touch to secure your place for September [email protected]
We have had such a lovely day today celebrating world book day, dressing up as our favourite book characters, we have been making book marks and colouring in different characters sheets, we have also had a big treat having some popcorn & watching some of the books we have dressed up as.
We’ve had so much fun on Valentine’s Day, we started our day talking about the people we love, going around the circle letting each child tell us, we’ve been making lovely cards using Stickers and paint, we then all sat at the table and decorated some biscuits, we’ve also had pink playdough and a valentines tuff tray! Wearing Red/Pink to celebrate love & kindnessWe’ve had so much fun today celebrating pancake day, we started our day with all the children telling us what their favourite topping on a pancake was, we then did some sticking and gluing making our own pancakes, at snack time we got to eat some lovely pancakes, choosing if we would like chocolate or banana or both. At story time we spoke about pancakes and read goldilocks and the three bears with pancakes.Today we’ve had fun celebrating Chinese New Year! The year of the dragon! We have made dancing dragons, coloured in pictures and learnt how to use chopsticks. At snack time we enjoyed noodles, rice and prawn crackers. At circle time the children watched Peppa Pig ‘ Peppa’s Chinese New Year’ and then enjoyed some Chinese songs.
From September 2022 we will be offering a Breakfast Club from 8.30am - 9.30am. Children will be given a light breakfast of cereal or toast along with a drink. Parent's will need to book their child in for Breakfast Club at least one week before the beginning of the half term and will be required to pay for the provision for the half term in advance.
For more details, please email the pre-school at [email protected]. We are still providing our Lunch Club Tuesday - Friday 12.30pm - 1.15pm for children attending our morning sessions. There is no need to book, however, you will need to provide a packed lunch for your child. Do you shop with Amazon???
If so, please help us raise much needed funds for the pre-school. All you have to do is register with Amazon Smile and select Barking Pre-school as your chosen charity. Follow the link below! https://smile.amazon.co.uk/ch/1159369-0 Once you have completed the registration simply carry on shopping like you have been and Amazon will donate a percentage of your purchase to the pre-school! It's that simple and there is NO EXTRA COST TO YOU! I'm delighted to say everything is looking very positive for us to re-open on Monday 7th September!
The Government seems very keen to get our little ones back to school and nursery so let's keep everything crossed there will not be another wave of this nasty virus. Obviously, we have had to make quite a few changes to the way we will be running the sessions but I can assure you that should your little ones need a cuddle or a high five for reassurance, the staff and I will be on hand to offer it. A copy of our COVID-19 Policy & Procedure document is available for you to read on our website. I will also be posting out a COVID-19 questionnaire which you will need to complete, sign and return to us on your child's first day back. We will not be able to allow your child entry without this completed questionnaire so please make sure you have it ready. You will also receive an arrival and collection procedure along with a clear plastic carrier bag for you to bring your child's possessions in. We realise the new procedures are not creating the warm, personal welcome to you; the parents, we are so used to providing, however we have to do everything possible to keep you and your little ones safe. Please ensure you read the policy thoroughly and do not hesitate in contacting us if you have any questions. We all look forward to seeing you all soon. Kind Regards Shelley x We've been trying to think of the safest way to say our goodbyes to your little ones this year whilst complying with the Government guidelines.
Obviously, parental choice has to be the main factor this year; therefore we have decided to let you all know we, (the staff) will be at Needham Lakes (near the refreshment kiosk) on MONDAY 27th JULY at 2pm in our little bubble of 6! If you would like to bring your children along to see us, we would love to see them too! We must follow the social distancing measures at all times which sadly means we won't be able to accept any hugs from your little ones. You may decide this is going to be too difficult for them and we totally understand if you decide not to come. Sadly, this year has caused us a lot of uncertainty and we feel meeting in a public place at a distance is the only safe way to say farewell. I'm actually quite emotional as I'm typing this and I know my girls all feel the same. Thank you again for sharing your children with us, we all wish them the very best for their future and will miss them all terribly! With love to you all Shelley xx With more of the lockdown measures being lifted, it is looking very promising for us to re-open in September! I personally can't wait to get back to some kind of normality and I know my entire team are really missing your little ones.
I am now looking at the intake for September and would be very grateful if you could take the time to reply to this email with the preferred sessions you would like your child to attend. We are all hoping to be able to resume our normal sessions (Mon, Thu & Fri 9.30am - 12.30pm and Tue & Wed 9.30am - 3.30pm) if the COVID-19 regulations allow without causing any more financial harm to the pre-school. The Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon session will be dependent upon the number of families wishing to make use of the full day care facility. I am planning to meet with the staff on Thursday afternoon to discuss planning our re-opening, therefore I would be really grateful if you could reply before Thursday morning. Really am looking forward to seeing you all soon! Sending lot's of love to you all. Many thanks Shelley x |
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